The Performer conferences, which have been held since 2006, have covered various investment-related topics.
You can find below the programmes of the past conferences.
Topic: Investment diversification, constraints and non-traditional investments
Places: Geneva and Zurich
Partner: GSCGI
Mediapartner: IPE Investment & Pensions Europe
BMO Global Asset Management, BNP Paribas Investment Partners
Capital Group, New York Life Real Estate Investors
Symbiotics, Vontobel Asset Management

Topic: Bonds and non-traditional investments: Performances, risks, diversification and hedging
Place: Geneva
Partner: GSCGI
Media Partner: Banco, PME Magazine
AB, Argos Managers, Candriam Investors Group, Edmond de Rothschild,
Muzinich & Co, Natixis Global Asset Management, PIMCO, Schroders,
State Street Global Advisors, Valres Fund Management SA, Vontobel