Organisation by Lusenti Partners LLC
Established in 2002, based in Nyon and active all over Switzerland, Lusenti Partners LLC is an independent investment advisory company for institutional and professional investors. Specializing in optimization and systematic control of investments, we offer our institutional clients – mainly pension funds – solutions aimed at improving their performance, protecting the degree of coverage and cutting costs.
Lusenti Partners LLC assumes no liability for the comments, figures or recommendations provided by the lecturers. The conferences provide the sponsors with the opportunity to present their services to the professional community.
Lusenti Partners LLC does not receive any commissions, givebacks or payments from the sponsors related in any way to commercial deals between the participants and the sponsors made during or after the conferences.
Graziano Lusenti has more than thirty years of experience in the fields of investments, advice and research in relation to institutional and professional investors.
He is managing partner of Lusenti Partners Sàrl, a company established in Nyon (Switzerland), of which he is also the founder. Lusenti Partners offers specialized investment advisory services, in particular for pension funds, family offices and professional investors: investment consulting, optimization of diversification, ALM study and management audit, control and monitoring of investments, selection of managers and products, due diligence and cost reports. The company also organizes conferences on financial topics (Performer Investment Conferences).
Previously, Graziano Lusenti was Director of Robeco (Suisse) SA and held managerial positions in the sectors of asset management, banking (Robeco, UBS), life insurance (Zurich Assurances) and consulting. actuariel (Aon), in Geneva and Zurich.
Graziano Lusenti holds a doctorate (pension fund investments) and a master's degree (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies of the University of Geneva), the federal diploma of expert in pension insurance (actuary) and a university degree (economic history, French and German literature).
He is the author of numerous articles in French, German, English or Italian on subjects relating to institutional investments and occupational pensions. Polyglot, he regularly intervenes as an expert in the media and in professional circles, in Switzerland and in Europe.
His personal interests and activities focus on painting (he paints himself), classical literature and music, football and running.
Graziano Lusenti
For more than 15 years, Ilir Roko has been active in the fields of institutional investor advice, modeling and applied research in finance. As part of his activities with Lusenti Partners, he is responsible for the relationship with many clients, especially pension funds. In addition, he oversees all digital and statistical activities, as well as those relating to controlling and reporting on behalf of clients. He is also involved in the process of selecting mandates (managers) and products.
As a proven quantitative specialist, he has developed during his career numerous applications and models related to institutional investments: ALM study (congruences of assets and liabilities), risk analysis and management (risk exposure modeling, risk assessment ), optimization of tactical asset allocation, modeling of fat tails (max drawdown, max loss, max gain), implementation of quantitative models (Black-Litterman, ARCH / GARCH, CAPM, regime change models, Monte simulations -Carlo), etc.
Along with his activities at Lusenti Partners, Ilir Roko is a lecturer at the University of Geneva. His field of teaching is that of numerical methods applied to finance. He is the author of several scientific publications on the subject. Ilir Roko holds a doctorate in econometrics and statistics from the University of Geneva.